  • 28 Sep 2021
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Article summary

Platform Login and Profile Settings

How to get a registered account with Pillir?

Visit PILLIR site and Book a demo with us to access the Plattform.

For any other queries regarding the company or the Services, please drop a query in the CONTACT US section with your corporate details. Our Customer Success executives will get in touch with you.

How does a User Login for the first time?

Please refer to First Time User Login section that guides first time users in the EdgeReady Platform.

Also, refer to User Account Registration Information for information regarding the User Account.

How to alter the User Profile Settings? / How to change or remove the User Profile Picture/ How to Change the Password?

The User Profile Settings page consists of a user's personal, business, and account information with respect to the EdgeReady Platform. In this page, a user can:

  • Alter the user's information (except tenant ID)
  • Change/remove profile picture
  • Change password

This section can be accessed by clicking the user profile Icon on the right side of the Dashboard

How to reset a Forgotten Password?

Please refer to RESET PASSWORD section to understand how a user can reset a forgotten password.

Project and it's Operations

How to create a New Project?

Please refer to the instructions in the CREATE NEW PROJECT section and follow the steps to create a new project.

How to Share/Delete a Project?

Please refer to the PROJECT HOMEPAGE section to understand how a user can delete a project or share a project with other users.

How to create a New Table in the EdgeReady Database for a Project?

Please refer to the DATABASE section to understand Table creation and other Table and Column related operations.

The Database section also has instructions for the following operations:

  • Creating new columns to a table
  • Populating the Column values
  • Edit/Share/Duplicate/Delete Tables
  • Customize/Duplicate/Sort/Delete Columns and Column Values
  • Assigning Foreign Key for a particular Column

How to upload contents to the EdgeReady Drive?

Please refer to the DRIVE section to understand all Drive related operations. This section enables users to create a new Folder, upload a file to a folder, and view all the folder properties.

How to view the Modernized Programs inside the Project?

For any Project where a Business Function has been created from SAP ABAP Modernization, the modernized programs can be viewed under the IMPORT LOGS section.

The Log consists of a list of programs that have Modernized EdgeReady Objects that have been convered from SAP ABAP Objects.
Users can click the Reports button in the Import Logs section to view the mapped objects.

For detailed understanding of Modernization, please refer Modernization section.

How to access the Project Settings?

Every Projects has a Settings Tab on the Menu. Please refer to Project Settings section.

In the Settings Tab, a user can:

  • Change the Name and Description of a Project (General Settings)
  • Create new Variables for the Project
  • Deploy a New App within the Project by creating a Container App.

The entire App Deployment procedure from the Settings Tab is explained in detailed in Container App section.

Business Process Modeler & App Process Modeler

How to create a New Business Process in the Business Process Modeler?

Refer to the Business Process Modeler section to understand the procedure to create a new Business Process and how to add several toolbox components to the Business Process.

The section also covers the procedure to add department(s) to a Business Process.

How to create a Business Function?

Every project can have a set of Business Functions that are associated with a particular role to behave like an App. Business Functions can either be creaated from Scratch or can be downloaded from an SAP ABAP program.

Please refer Creating Business Functions section to understand the step by step procedure to create a new Business Function from Scratch.

The section also includes the procedure to:

  • Add a new role or map an existing role to a particular function
  • Give a name to the App that is going to be visible to the end-user
  • Choose between workflow and non-workflow apps
  • Select the nature of application (Online/Offline)
  • Select the deployment platform (Web only/ Mobile & Web)
  • Menu Preferences (Selecting whether the App requires a menu or not)
  • Uploading the App Icon.

Refer the Modernization document for understanding how to create Business Functions from SAP ABAP.

How to Edit the App Process Modeler Canvas?

Please refer Canvas Edit Options section to understand how the canvas can be edited to suit user preferences.

How to Add components to the App Process Modeler Canvas?

The App Process Modeler consists of various components that can be dragged and dropped into the canvas. The components can be linked via connective arrows based on the execution logic.
Please refer App Process Modeler Components section to understand the working of each component and how they are linked via connection Arrows.

How to create variables to the App Process Modeler ?

Variables are primarily used in the Condition Component of the App Modeler. These variables can also be accessed across other modules in the EdgeReady Cloud.

Please refer Please refer Variables and their Properties section for step by step instructions on how to declare new variables in the App Process Modeler.

How to preview/Publish/Transport the App from the App Process Modeler Canvas?

  1. The user utilizes the Preview option to view the UI of the App to get an idea on how it appears during runtime.
  2. The user Publishes the App (inside the container App) when the App is ready for Download.
  3. The user Transports the App to another environment (Development to Quality, Quality to Production) when the App is being rolled out for deployment.

All the above 3 operations are carried out in the App Process Modeler Section once the App development is complete.

Please refer Preview/Publish/Transport section for instructions on how to perform the Preview/Publish/Transport operations.

App Designer Section

(WIP - Coming Soon)
How to access the App Designer Page?

How to add Components and Properties to the App Designer Page?

How to access the Navigator Section?

How to edit App Designer Components?

How to modify the App Designer Settings?

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