EdgeReady Drive
  • 06 Nov 2023
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EdgeReady Drive

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Article summary

The EdgeReady drive consists of all the Files and Folders that pertain to a Project. There is a Library section to view all the Library Files.
drive 2.png

Viewing Folder/File Properties

On a single click of the folder/file displayed on the screen, the user can view the folder/file properties window on the right side of the page.
drive properties.png

It displays the following information:

  • Type - folder/file type
  • Location - folder structure
  • Owner - login username
  • Size - folder size
  • Modified - date and time modified
  • Created -  date and time created
  • Versions - date and time of the version created with login username

On double clicking the folder, a path within the drive is established to view the contents of the folder(folder structure).
drive path.png

There is a storage information provided in the Drive Page that shows the available and used space for the particular Project.

Creating a Folder

To create a folder do the following: 

  1. To Add a New Folder, navigate to the folder location by clicking the existing folders under Files section, or create a new folder at the root-level.
  2. Now click the New Folder button. A pop-up window opens
    new folder.png
  3. Enter folder Name and select the Access Level:
    1. Private to this project - means that only users assigned to this project can access the folder
    2. Global on the Library -  means that this folder can be accessed by anyone with 'Library' access
  4. Click Create to create the folder.

Uploading a File

To upload a file, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you need to upload a file or upload a file at the root-level.
  2. Click Upload file button.  The popup window appears to add a file to the Drive within a particular folder.

upload file.png

The folder/file recently created/uploaded are also displayed in the Recent Files section to the left of the Drive screen.

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