EdgeReady Plugin Installation and Configuration - For Tomcat Server (Windows instance)
  • 11 May 2023
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EdgeReady Plugin Installation and Configuration - For Tomcat Server (Windows instance)

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Article Summary

This Installation and Configuration guide for EdgeReady Plugin is for the Windows instance.


  • The EdgeReady Plugin machine has a DNS or Public IP address
  • EdgeReady Cloud can make http/https request to the EdgeReady Plugin
  • EdgeReady Plugin has network-accessibility to SAP and other on-premise services

System Requirements

Software RequirementsHardware Requirements
Tomcat Java Server v9

For 10-150 users

  • CPU: 2x quad core 2.83 GHz processor or higher
  • RAM: 8GB or more
(Please check with your deployment specialist for hardware sizing specific to your app needs.)

Installation Steps

Step1: Download the open JDK zip file from https://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk11/ri/openjdk-11+28_windows-x64_bin.zip.

Step2: Install JRE

  1. Unzip the openjdk-11+28_windows-x64_bin.zip file into C:\javaunzippath
  2. Update the Windows Environment variables.
    1. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings > System Properties 
    2. Click Environment Variables to open the popup window.2x-SystemProperties
    3. Click New to create a New System Variable.Env-variables-clicknew-1
    4. Add the JAVA_HOME variable and specify the folder path C:\java\openjdk-11 as value.java_home-new
    5. Update the Path variable by clicking Edit. The Edit Environment Variable popup window opens.update-path-2
    6.  Click New and add the C:\java\openjdk-11\bin path5x-updatepath-new2

Step3: Download and Install Tomcat

  1. Download the exe file from https://dlcdn.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.74/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.74.exe link.
  2. In the Tomcat Setup welcome screen, click Next to proceed.1-tomcat-welcome
  3. Click I Agree to proceed to the next step.2-agree
  4. In the Tomcat component selection screen, keep the default Normal installation type and click Next.3-choose components
  5. In the Configuration screen, enter required details or keep the default information and click Next.4-basicconfig
  6. Enter the full path to the JRE directory on your system. The wizard auto-completes this if you have previously set up the Java Environment variables. Click Next to proceed to the next step.5-selectpath
  7. Choose the Tomcat server install location or keep the default one and click Install. (Remember the Tomcat server location to copy the EdgeReady Plugin file later).6-destinationfolder
  8. Select the Run Apache Tomcat check box to start the service after the installation finishes. To complete the installation, click Finish.7-finish

Step4: Download EdgeReadyPlugin war file.

Please contact your Customer Enablement manager for the EdgeReady Plugin download link.

Step5: Copy the EdgeReadyPlugin.war file to C:\tomcat-9.0\webapps

Step6: Autostart Tomcat

  1. Open Windows Services window and select Apache Tomcat 9.0 service.
  2. In Properties, set Startup type to Automatic.
  3. Ensure that the service is in Running state.windows services-running

Step7: Open config.properties in  C:\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\afPlugin\WEB-INF\classes\config.properties

Step8: Update the path parameter as path=C:\tomcat9.0update-configpath-new

For server, version and tenant details, contact Pillir.

Step9:  Open Windows Services and Restart Tomcat services.

Configuration Steps

Step1: Open the browser and type https://<<HOST:PORT>>/plrPlugin/ or http://<<HOST:PORT>>/plrPlugin/ to connect to the EdgeReady Plugin. 

Step2: In the EdgeReady Plugin screen, click the +New SAP RFC connection button.SAP RFC connections

Step2: Enter the connection parameters and click Create to save the configurations.Connection Parameters

Step3: Open Integration Builder and build a sample BOS with a SAP block to test the connection.

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