How to Reset a Forgotten Password?
  • 01 Nov 2023
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How to Reset a Forgotten Password?

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Article summary

If you forget your password and need to reset it, do the following:

  1. On the login page, click the Forgot Password button.
  2. Provide the following details in the 'Reset your Password' screen:
  • Username
  • Tenant ID
  • Choose the Environment from the drop-down list.
  1. After entering these details, click the Reset Password button.
    reset Password screen

The following screen will display a message instructing users to check their email. This is the same email address that was provided during the user registration process.
check email screen

The following steps explain the process for resetting a password:

  1. Go to the 'Inbox' of your registered email service.

  2. Find an email from '' with subject line 'Reset Password'. This e-mail contains a link to reset the password and a temporary password.
    password reset email

  3. In the e-mail, find the link 'Reset Your Password' and click on the link.

  4. A Pillir EdgeReady Cloud log-in screen will appear. Enter Username, Tenant ID and select Environment.

  5. Enter the Temporary Password provided in the e-mail. and click on 'Sign-in' button.


After successfully logging in using the temporary password, the users will be prompted to change their password to finalize the password reset process.

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