How to set Logic to Open/Close a Dialog Box component?
  • 30 Jan 2023
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How to set Logic to Open/Close a Dialog Box component?

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Article summary

When a dialog box is added to a Page component, it is usually implemented to open and close by a trigger(eg: by click of a button). The trigger can be set in two ways:

A) Using Interactions

The user can use Interactions if the dialog box component should open and close on a UI trigger.

To show a confirmation dialog box(ID: dialog_confirm) on click of a Delete button, do the following:

Step 1: Drag and Drop Delete button in the Page component of the App Designer

Step 2: In the button properties > Interactions, click the + icon to add an interaction

Step 3: Choose onClick -> Open Dialog -> dialog_confirm


Step 4: To close the dialog box, add event -> Close Dialog -> dialog_confirm interaction to the desired button component(in the Dialog box) and the desired event. 


By default, the Dialog box component in EdgeReady platform has a Close Dialog interaction added to a click event of all default buttons in the dialog box component. 

B) Using Show Property

The user can use the Show property if the dialog box should open and close through App Behavior.

To show an error alert (eg: ID: dialog_alert) when a validation has failed in App Behavior, then do the following: 

Step 1: Create a business function variable (booleanShowDialog_confirm)

Step 2: Map the variable in the Show property of the dialog_alert component

Step 3: Set booleanShowDialog_confirm = “false”, in pageShow of the page which has the dialog box. (This  action is done to hide the dialog box when the page loads.)

Step 4: In the validation logic in App Behavior, when the validation fails, set booleanShowDialog_confirm = “true” to Open the dialog box during run-time

Step 5: To close the dialog box, use set booleanShowDialog_confirm = “false” onClick of any of the dialog box buttons, OR if you would like to close the dialog_alert after 2 seconds, inside a setTimeOut block (with 2000 ms), set booleanShowDialog_confirm = “false” to close the dialog box automatically after 2 seconds. 

To avoid any run-time issues of the dialog box component only one of the above two methods should be used. 

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