The Pillir Approach
  • 15 Jul 2021
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The Pillir Approach

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Article summary

    The EdgeReady Cloud is already integrated with ERPs and other applications. The apps generated out of our platform are enabled to run anywhere on any device. Given that SAP is the largest ERP in the market and since we at Pillir possess deep knowledge of SAP, it makes perfect sense to convert ABAP non-core customizations into EdgeReady Cloud objects. 


    We start with building a Converter/Modernizer from ABAP to EdgeReady Cloud Objects, i.e. convert from ABAP language to a higher-level abstraction layer (low-code objects) in our platform. This higher-level abstraction layer is nothing but the EdgeReady Cloud objects as defined in our platform. Once these EdgeReady Cloud objects are created, developers can continue the development process in the EdgeReady Cloud platform to build and publish apps.


Right from Identification of technical debts in legacy applications to deployment and rollout of applications, 

Pillir’s EdgeReady Cloud follows the entire application development process cycle in 6 phases: 

1) Technical Debt: Discovery, Analysis & Identification - 

The legacy systems are identified and studied to get a detailed understanding of what needs to be omitted, what systems demand higher maintenance, and what systems require remodeling. 

2) Conversion: Read, Parse, & Convert source code - 

The source code is converted into pseudocode (CLM - Common Language for Modernization)  in order for the objects to be modernized within the platform.

3) Low-Code generation -  

The logic in CLM, i.e. Pseudocode is used to recreate the application in EdgeReady Cloud using various components. The processing logic, UI, Integration and Mapping Logic, DB Objects, etc., are generated. 

4) Low-Code Enhancement - 

The components that are generated in the Pseudocode are enhanced to give a better visual flow of elements. 

5) Test & Setup - 

The phase where the App is published, tested, and a production landscape is set. 

6) Deploy & Rollout - 

The Apps are sent to Rollout and Run at the Edge. Further, the apps are reviewed and statistics is maintained by administrators. 


To sum it up, Pillir offers a platform that: 

* Can be used to build, deploy and run mission-critical enterprise applications

* Can easily integrate with legacy applications, especially ERP because the satellite systems still need to revolve and work with the ERP

* Offers Low-code/no-code ability to build applications really fast with little/quick ramp-up knowledge and no specialized skills needed

* Extend these applications to the EDGE, i.e. ability to run these applications anywhere, anyplace, and on any device as needed by the Enterprises

* Built on modern architectures with NO technical debt

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