Importance of the GROUP component in the APM
  • 09 Feb 2024
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Importance of the GROUP component in the APM

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Article summary

Q: Why is it necessary to use the Group component while developing the business function and how does it enhance App design within the APM?

A: The primary duty of the Group component is to group App components that perform a specific function. Using the Group component has the following advantages:

  • Simplifies the readability of the business function design especially in Workflow Apps.
  • Future design enhancements to any segment of the App flow does not clutter the existing design on the APM Canvas. 

The following images help to understand how using the group component enhances the app design and avoids clutter:

Before GroupingAfter Grouping

How to create a Group?

There are two ways that you can follow:

  1.  Drag and drop the Group component from the left panel of the APM. Open the component and add the other APM components within it.insidegroup
  2.  Press shift+ select required components+ right click - choose Create Group.Create%20Group
You can create a group only with non-workflow components, such as Page, BOS, Condition or Case.

To know more details about the Group component, refer APM Components and Properties section from the EdgeReady userguide.

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