These blocks help the user perform specific actions on data and variables. Except the set block, these operations are listed for selection whenever the user clicks on an input field(oval box).
Operations Description
Operation Blocks Thumbnail and on Canvas
These are service-specific functions with each carrying individual code blocks to perform a particular operation within a service.
Set: Assigns the value or value of one variable to an output variable. Multiple operation blocks can be used inside the set block fields.
Add: Adds/Merges two inputs.
Split: Helps to split a string variable.
Length: Shows the string length.
Substr: Displays the substring characters present in a string.
EscapeSQL/Unescape SQL : Escapes or Unescapes special characters in a string.
Currentdate: Fetches current date.
Date format: Convertsdate object into a date format.
Date Converter: Converts a date string into a date object.
The EdgeReady database accepts only the 'yyyy-MM-dd' for Date and 'HH:mm:ss' for Time format.
XMLtoTable: Converts XML file to a table.
Encode/Decode: Converts one type of data into another and vice versa. (Currently HEX, BASE64, and UTF8 are accepted formats).
ToLowerCase/ToUpperCase: Converts Uppercase to Lowercase letters and vice versa.
TabletoStr: Converts Table values to Strings.
TableToJson: Converts Table value to Json format
Lookup: Searches for a specific value in table columns.
Count: Returns the number of rows in a table.
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