  • 25 Jun 2021
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Article summary

What is the Implementation Game Plan?

The Pillir™ Implementation Game Plan is a comprehensive guide to document the tasks, allocate resources responsible for each task, fix associated target dates, and identify task dependencies on each other. 

It is a road map for customers to get started with the implementation, which comprises a set of best practices to provide an efficient, seamless and quick deployment of mobile apps. We at Pillir follow an Agile implementation methodology fine-tuned for user-experience and Mobile deployment.

The objective of the documentation is to gain awareness of the tasks to be achieved and the status of the implementation of each task at any given time. This guide enables users to understand what to expect and when during the implementation and how to execute the project.

Why do we need an Implementation Game Plan?

We understand that mobilizing a business process is no small feat and our goal is to make it as simple and easy as possible by:

  • Productive use of resources
  • Judicious use of time and availability
  • Being transparent at all times

Mobilizing a business process is a collaborative effort between Pillir and the customer for mutual success. We want to ensure that users get a complete overview of what and how the implementation will be executed right from the initiation stage.

Likewise, Pillir also realizes that every implementation is unique in its own way and there might be matters that have not been addressed, or issues cropping up during the implementation. We will promptly bring all such issues to customer attention and would request the same from you. We will also customize the Implementation Game Plan to suit customer specific needs and requirements for successful implementation.

What is the Pillir Approach in the Implementation Game Plan? 

Pillir follows a unique user-experience focused approach wherein the development starts from the frontend, i.e. the App workflow and user-experience followed by backend integration and business logic. By starting from the user-experience, it ensures that the apps are always conforming precisely to end-user needs, without being constrained by backend business rules and data rules. This yields an app that the end-user community loves and drives up the user-adoption. 

The frontend to backend methodology is ingrained into the Pillir’s EdgeReady Cloud with the typical app development workflow as below -

The objective of this “frontend to backend” development approach is to deploy apps that are well adopted by the end-user community wherein going live and rolling out apps are only part of the process towards this end-goal.

This “Frontend to Backend” development workflow combined with the Agile implementation methodology forms the basis of the Pillir implementation methodology. This ensures a quick deployment, utilizing the resources most efficiently, and always meeting the end user's requirements.

How does the implementation game plan aid in App Development?

The Pillir implementation methodology consists of the following six distinct phases. 

Each phase has its own set of activities, deliverables, and milestones and designed to give maximum transparency to all stakeholders during the deployment. These phases start from project initiation to deployment, continuous iteration, and growth.

 The various phases and their interaction is illustrated in the figure below.

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