v6.4.44 - 09/09/2023
  • 19 Oct 2023
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v6.4.44 - 09/09/2023

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Article summary


This Release notes document primarily describes the New Features and Fixed Issues for v6.4.44 and v6.4.45 of the EdgeReady platform.


The scope of the document is restricted to describing the Feature update, listing the fixed issues, known issues and deployment instructions(if any). It does not cover the resolution methods.

System Requirements

  • Supported Desktop Browser for EdgeReady Platform: Google Chrome v116 or higher
  • Supported Browsers for EdgeReady Web Apps: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari
  • For EdgeReady Mobile Apps: Android 10 or higher / iOS 12 or higher

Feature Update

NoFeature DescriptionVersion

New feature updates in the Administration > User Management screen

The user management screen has the following feature updates:

  1. Ratio display of active users : total usersratiodisplay
In the above screenshot, 15126 is the total no of users, out of which 15119 - is the no of active users.
  1. The Inactive user rows are highlighted by a different color(grey) in the list of users.activ-inactivdisplay1
  2.  A new Delete User button is added to the Edit User window. Using this option the user can be deleted permanently.Delete User
A deleted user cannot be re-created. To add the user again, raise a request to support@pillir.io
2Support for Zebra Bluetooth Scanners
This feature release includes the following changes to the EdgeReady platform:

a)Bluetooth Scanner code blocks added in App behavior

There is a block defined for each action of the Bluetooth device. They are:
  • BTDeviceGetList - Gets the list of available devices
  • BTPairDevice - Pairing device
  • BTUnPairDevice - Unpairing from device
  • BTConnectDevice - Connect device
  • BTDisconnectDevice - Disconnect from device
  • BTListenDevice - process data
  • BTCommandDevice - pass commands

b)User can select Zebra Barcode Scanner during Container App generation

The EdgeReady platform now supports the Zebra Barcode scanner - a specific type of Bluetooth scanner for iOS devices.
During Deployment, while generating Container App, if you have selected Platform as iOS, in the device permissions window - an External Accessories field is available. You can select the Zebra Barcode Scanner checkbox under it, if your app needs this specific Bluetooth support. Accordingly the relevant zebra drivers are packaged in the container app.
3Filter added in Worklist Page
  • For workflow apps, the Worklist page consists of a filter option that allows users to filter the workitems based on business function, date range, specific terms (contains/Does not contain).
  • When the user clicks Apply, the filtered workitems are displayed. The filter preferences are also saved for future references. This is indicated by the filter icon being displayed in green color.
green filter
4Enhancement to the Map Component in the App Designer
The following Map component properties are added:
  • MapType - Indicates the type of map view:
    • Roadmap
    • Satellite
    • Hybrid
    • Terrain
  • MapDraw - Indicates an area defined by a series of coordinates in specific shapes:
    • Marker
    • Polygon
    • circle
  • Coordinates - Indicates the latitude and longitude information
These properties can be defined through variables.map1

Fixed Issues

NoIssue DescriptionVersion
1Dynamic CSS class not working

In this release, the option to add CSS class through a variable picker was added under Component > Property > Stylestyle(1)

However in a Grid component, the dynamic CSS class was not working as expected, when there was data navigation from one page to another page.

2In File Upload Component -  filename is not displayed
When the user uploaded a file using the file upload component, the filename was not displayed. When the user tried to upload again, a blank screen was displayed with a loading spinner.
3Error displayed while searching for a user or role in User Management screen
In the Administration > User Management screen, if the user tried to search for a user or role name in the search fields, the following error was seen:
"ERROR: Unexpected token '<', "<!doctype "... is not valid JSON" 
4The Logout screen is not displayed in the UI when the user logs out or after session timeout
As part of the Login Microapp, there is a specific logout screen(see screenshot below) that is displayed to the user after logout or session timeout. Instead of this screen the User Login page was displayed.
expected logout screen

5In Datagrid component - Unable to get a selected object in the next screen
A table variable A is mapped to the Datagrid in page 1. Through Interactions, the same variable is mapped in page 2. When a specific row in table variable A was selected in page 1, the row specific data was not available in page 2.

6In Integration builder - Operations block - Lookup function is not working
When the lookup function block was used in any logic, and the input variable was a string an error was displayed when the logic was tested.
7The User Credential fields were missing in the Adapter configuration screen
While configuring an adapter for ABAP plugin, the Username and Password fields were not available in the adapter configuration screen.
8Within a Datagrid component - On click of a button - Unable to get a selected object in the next screen
A table variable A is mapped to a button component within a Datagrid in page 1. Through button component Interactions, the same variable is mapped in page 2.
When the button was clicked in page 1, the row specific data was not available in page 2.

9In the Console > Universal Worklist tab, the search function in the User List window was not working as expected
In the Universal worklist tab - the user selects the Assign To option from the ellipsis menu and the User List window opens. When the user tried to search for specific users, it was not listed.
  • Only 10 user names will be displayed in the User List window. Other names can be searched by using the Search function.
  • Only active users are displayed while searching for a user.

10While using Tomcat Plugin  - an error is seen
In some instances, the Tomcat plugin was throwing a java heap size error due to invalid expressions or null conditions.
11When SSO is the authentication mechanism, after session timeout of the EdgeReady platform - the logout screen was not displayed.
After session timeout of the EdgeReady platform, it was redirecting to the EdgeReady platform login screen instead of the logout screen.

Known Issues

SAP BOS Mapping Issue

When a business function variable is mapped to the SAP input table, it requires all the columns in the BF table variable to be mapped, if not it doesn't work. 

SAP data comes in wrong sequence

When a functional module is run, to get data from SAP, some of the records are missing their sequence.


For the EdgeReady Platform - Only Google Chrome is supported.

Deployment Instructions

Support for Zebra Bluetooth Scanners : Use the latest Login microapp.

For additional information on the EdgeReady platform, refer the following link:

EdgeReady Platform Userguide

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