v6.4.60 - 01/06/2024
  • 28 Jan 2024
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v6.4.60 - 01/06/2024

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Article summary

Release Status: The Fixed Issues listed below are in the Production - Production environment.


This Release notes document primarily describes Fixed issues for v6.4.60 of the EdgeReady platform.


The scope of the document is restricted to describing the fixed issues, known issues and deployment instructions(if any). It does not cover the resolution methods.

System Requirements

  • Supported Desktop Browser for EdgeReady Platform: Google Chrome v116 or higher
  • Supported Browsers for EdgeReady Web Apps: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari
  • For EdgeReady Mobile Apps: Android 13 or higher / iOS 17 or higher

Fixed Issues

NoIssue DescriptionVersion
1App Crashes reported on iOS Devices 
In certain scenarios, Apps running on iOS devices crash if the App uses external accessories such as barcode scanners(specifically a Zebra scanner) or other bluetooth devices.
2In Android devices, the Deep Links are not working as expected.
The deep links are not redirecting to the expected screens.
3The "Option to include Universal Work List" in Web App is not working
During App Deployment for Web App, even when the "Option to include a Universal Work List" was not selected, on login - the Web App redirects to the Work List Page.

4Issue with "Edit User" screen in the Administration > User Management module
The following issues are reported in the "Edit User" window:
  • The data entered in the "Edit User" screen is not being saved.
  • Default values are displayed when the user re-opens the screen.
  • The window does not close after clicking the Save button.

Known Issues

1The .svg file format is not supported for App icon uploadNA
2SAP BOS Mapping Issue

When a business function variable is mapped to the SAP input table, it requires all the columns in the BF table variable to be mapped, if not it doesn't work. 


For the EdgeReady Platform - Only Google Chrome is supported.

For additional information on the EdgeReady platform, refer the following link:

EdgeReady Platform Userguide

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