v6.4.62 - 01/20/2024
  • 11 Feb 2024
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v6.4.62 - 01/20/2024

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Article summary

Release Status: The Feature Updates and Fixed Issues listed below are in the Production - Production environment.


This Release notes document primarily describes Feature Updates and Fixed issues for v6.4.62 of the EdgeReady platform.


The scope of the document is restricted to describing the feature updates, fixed issues, known issues and deployment instructions(if any). It does not cover the resolution methods.

System Requirements

  • Supported Desktop Browser for EdgeReady Platform: Google Chrome v116 or higher
  • Supported Browsers for EdgeReady Web Apps: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari
  • For EdgeReady Mobile Apps: Android 13 or higher / iOS 17 or higher

Feature Update

NoFeature DescriptionVersion

User activation link is redirected to the Default Landing page

A servlet is added in the backend to enable the activation of a user in the Edgeready platform, when the end-user clicks the activation link in the email that is received as part of the user-sign-up process of an app. The link now redirects to the default landing page.

2Enhancement to the Administration > User Logs screen
The User Logs screen is enhanced to provide more details on the log. The new Log consists of the following columns:
  • Created Date
  • Login Name
  • App Name
  • Request Type
  • Method
  • Object Id
  • Device Type
  • IP address
  • Request Id
  • Download (Download the log details)

Moreover, Now administrator can enable debug logs for a limited period, This feature is available inside the Administration --> Session-Log Settings

3Workflow Approval through E-mail
This feature enables users to take action on a work item (eg: approve or reject a work item) directly from the user inbox just by simple selections and responding to the email. This eliminates the need to open the work item within the application, streamlining the workflow approval process for enhanced user efficiency.

Fixed Issues

NoIssue DescriptionVersion
1Issue with Login MicroApp in iOS devices
In some cases when the container app was regenerated, the login microapp screen was not displaying the bottom menu component.
2Issue with Datagrid Component of the App Designer
The user enters some data in a text input component within a datagrid cell. When the space bar is clicked to move to the next cell, the cursor moves to the last row of the datagrid.
3BaaS service is not working in the Login MicroApp screenv6.4.62
4Plugin Type configuration settings gets automatically changed
In some tenants, it was noticed that the configured plugin type was automatically updated to a different plugin type, for example: in some instances the plugin type was changed from ABAP to NW plugin without manual intervention.
5Issue with Datagrid Component
Unable to Enable/Disable datagrid columns based on value in another column.
6The Table Variable Mapping in BOS is not working as expected
While defining the input and output variables in a BOS, the table mapping did not work as expected resulting in an exception error - "Error : java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 0"
7Column data mismatch seen in the UI for the Datagrid component
A behavior has a logic to add a new row to a datagrid table. When the order of the new row columns does not match with the columns specified in the JSON data used by the datagrid, it results in column data mismatch in the UI.
8The Lookup function block in the Integration Builder is not working as expected
9The Save button in Password Policy screen is not working
When any changes are done in the Password policy screen, the changes are not saved.

Known Issues

1The .svg file format is not supported for App icon uploadCurrently, this file format support is not available.
2SAP BOS Mapping Issue

When a business function variable is mapped to the SAP input table, it requires all the columns in the BF table variable to be mapped, if not it doesn't work. 


For the EdgeReady Platform - Only Google Chrome is supported.

For additional information on the EdgeReady platform, refer the following link:

EdgeReady Platform Userguide

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