v6.4.68 - 02/24/2024
  • 24 Mar 2024
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v6.4.68 - 02/24/2024

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Article summary

Release Status: The Feature Updates and Fixed Issues listed here are in the Production - Production environment.


This Release notes document primarily describes Feature Updates and Fixed issues for v6.4.68 of the EdgeReady platform.


The scope of the document is restricted to describing the feature updates, fixed issues, known issues and deployment instructions(if any). It does not cover the resolution methods.

System Requirements

  • Supported Desktop Browser for EdgeReady Platform: Google Chrome v116 or higher
  • Supported Browsers for EdgeReady Web Apps: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari
  • For EdgeReady Mobile Apps: Android 13 or higher / iOS 17 or higher

Feature Update

NoFeature DescriptionVersion
1Description field added for Global Variables
While creating Global Variables, the tenant admin now can include a description for each variable. This feature enhances the usability and clarity of global variables, particularly for admin apps.
2New Action block in the Integration Builder
This action block is used for the following reasons:
  • To find out the list of roles used within a Business Function
  • To find out the list of roles a user belongs to within a Business Function
3File Upload Max Size limit is extended from 10 to 25 MBv6.4.68

Fixed Issues

1Issue reported in the File Upload component
When attempting to upload a file with a name that includes the '.' character, the File Upload component generates an error, within both Integration Builder and App Designer.

When using the File Upload component, please note that the allowed characters for filenames are as follows:

  • Alphanumeric characters: [0-9][A-Z][a-z]
  • Special characters: '-', '_', '/', '.', and '\s')
2Login Microapp changes are not reflected after Publish
In some cases, the changes made to the UI and JavaScript (JS) elements within the Login Microapp are not reflected after App Publish and Transport.

3GPS support not working for iOS Appsv6.4.68
4Support for the iOS App Store Apps
Based on the feedback from the AppStore team, excluded the following libraries if not in use
- Bluetooth
- Background Sync. 

5BaaS Transport not working as expectedv6.4.68
6SAML Authentication support for the custom entity ID v6.4.68
7Work item history shows duplicates at times
In the Universal Worklist page, the workitem history consists of duplicate entries of the same workitem state.
8Pillir Login screen appears after Browser Refresh
When a user is on the Login Microapp page and chooses to refresh the browser, instead of remaining on the same page, the browser redirects them to the Pillir Login Page.
9Login Microapp changes are not reflected after Publish
In some cases, the changes made to the UI and JavaScript (JS) elements within the Login Microapp are not reflected after App Publish and Transport.

Known Issues

1The .svg file format is not supported for App icon uploadCurrently, this file format support is not available.
2SAP BOS Mapping Issue

When a business function variable is mapped to the SAP input table, it requires all the columns in the BF table variable to be mapped, if not it doesn't work. 


For the EdgeReady Platform - Only Google Chrome is supported.

For additional information on the EdgeReady platform, refer the following link:

EdgeReady Platform Userguide

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